
Everyone loves some one or the other. Every being on the earth wants to be loved by someone. But what is love? Do we ever think of that? Ever in our life did we made any attempt to know that? No. This is where most of us go wrong. We want to love someone and to be loved by someone but don’t want to know how to.  We persue love in many ways other than what it really is.

We love fantasy more than reality. We love the other person’s beauty, their money and status, their personality and the feeling of security we get by being with them. We only see the positive aspect of that person. Even their weakness seems to be their strenth to us. That is Maya, where we neither experience true love nor can be one with them. Love is acceptance. We can love only when we accept the person as they are. Being one with the person is love.  

As I have seen, love is nothing but the truth. No one should force the other to love him/her. They need not return our love just because we love them. If you could see their happiness as yours, then you can say that you are truly in love. if going away from their life, make them haapy you should be ready even for that. It sounds strange but Love can not be bought. The other person should love you for you are. Don’t put any mask in front of them, don’t hide anything. You can not get love by offering them a proposal of marriage or by creating a dream of a better future. Don’t weep and show your weakness. Getting love by Sympathy is foolishness. Love is when you feel the oneness with your partner.

There is no pain in love. Love releases us from all the pain and suffering. Loving your partner means taking the whole responsebility of keeping them happy. There is no place for the phisical touch. Love is stable. True love will not float. The proof of true love is its stability. Love has the capacity of winnig the whole world. There should be no restrictions in love. True love is unconditional. Love should not be restricted.

We should now differentiate between love and its gifts. The touch, feelings of security and other supportive feelings are not love; those are the side effects, called its gifts. These are the pebbles you get in the way towards love. It is a general tendency that when we receive more of gifts, we forget the giver. Same here, when we receive, we move far away from the eternal bliss. We can attain the state of love only when we see every thing in sakshibhaava. Love is surrendering oneself to the superior. Love is not the path, it is the destination; it is not sadhane it is saadhya. Destination is not an end; it the point from where the journey of life starts. Love makes our journey beautiful.

When do you know that you are in love? You are in love when you meet the person with whome you can be yourself and do not need a mask. You are not hypocrete in front of them. You don’t feel like acting in front of them, you will not care about looks or habits. You being original, show yourself to them. The person with whome you feel you complete. Yes, you are in love. It is ok if you have different feelings and opinions. Love requires only two understanding hearts. Love is the essense of life. When we like someones character and we surrender ourselves completly to them that is love. Remember, our hunger for love fulfils only when we surrender ourself.

Be in love.

Feel it.

(Hearty thanks to my friend Sid for adding value to my words.) 


siddarth said…
Beautifully written and I think the essence of love has been delicately touched upon. A very mature way of presenting such a delicate topic. I think the true meaning of love has been very well explained. Super job nands! keep blogging!:-)