compulsory voting

Should the Govt. make voting compulsory?
I say yes. what I feel is the root of all the problems in our country is the corrupt politics. 
And here, only 40-60% of the people vote. Even there our parties fail to get the minimum requirement. this is not fair. 
Every citizen has the duty to involve himself/herself and take interest in the political governance of the country. People must actively participate in the exercise of franchise, in a Democracy. Democracy can be strengthened and proper governance ensured if there is 100 percent participation on the part of the citizenry. People can then ensure the election of the right candidate. Forcing people to vote is not a desirable end, in a matured democracy. But yet in the very interest of democracy, mandatory voting cannot be considered bad or an evil. Voting is mandatory in some of the countries. If we want that people should not become indifferent and apathetic to democratic institutions and the exercise of franchise, we need to make voting mandatory.
what do you say?
